Schoharie Watershed Summit
The Schoharie Watershed Summit (Summit) is a one-day conference that was developed to serve as a forum that brings a diverse set of Watershed stakeholders together to network, learn, and share interests with one another. The first Summit – presented by the Schoharie Watershed Assistance Program in 2007 – was attended by approximately 120 people and focused heavily on turbidity issues. The large turnout was indicative of the deep interest local and regional stakeholders have in learning about the status of stream management in the Schoharie basin, the different programs that are available to support local communities and landowners, and how to protect the quality of the community’s natural resources.
With morning presentations, followed by aternoon training sessions, the Summit offers community members the opportunity to hear about relevant studies and projects, while simultaneously providing local officials, with training opportunities that fulfill annual training requirements. The program is offered free of charge and draws attendees from each of the municipalities – across three counties – within the Schoharie basin.
Past Summits:
- 2024 Schoharie Watershed Summit
- 2023: Tools for Building Community Resilience
- 2019: Digging Deeper - Understanding How Geology Affects the Schoharie Basin
- 2018: Managing Water Quality in a Living Watershed
- 2017: Forests of the Future
- 2016: Streams to Tunnel
- 2015: Investment and Innovation for the Future
- 2014: Consequences of Inaction in a Changing Climate
- 2013: Are We Prepared for the Next Irene or Sandy?
- 2012: In the Wake of Irene
- 2011: In the Wake of the Flood
- 2010: A Continued Look at Low Impact Development
- 2009: Low Impact Development
- 2008: Schoharie Watershed Strategy
- 2007: Schoharie Watershed Summit, Conference Summary
Erosion & Sediment Control Training
The Four-Hour Erosion & Sediment Control Training is a required course for certain contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and other qualified individuals that will be involved with the implementation of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan on a construction site that has coverage under a NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity.
Under the NYSDEC’s Stormwater Permit, all construction site contractors and subcontractors must have at least one "trained individual" from their company on their construction sites daily. Municipal officials (such as code enforcement officials) may be able to use this course towards Professional Development Elective (PDE) hours.
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