What do I do if there are nuisance beavers on my property?
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) provides an effective online manual that includes details on the many different management techniques, necessary permits for, and the pros and cons of beaver management.
Click here for DEC techniques and requirements for controlling nuisance beavers.
Where can I get my drinking water quality tested?
Public water supplies are tested frequently for contaminants, and suppliers are required to provide test results to their customers annually. If you are on a public water supply (whether municipal or a small community system), get and read a copy of the test report (Consumer Confidence Report):
EPA Consumer Confidence Reports
- Click: "Where You Live"
- Select State and local County, Town, City at bottom. (or)
- Enter Local water municipality name if known.
- Click Search
- Contact smaller local municipalities for Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR)
Testing of a private water supply is generally the responsibility of the property owner. Private water supplies should always be tested before a home is purchased and whenever a new water supply is being developed.
The New York State Department of Health provides a list of Certified Commercial Laboratories that can test for a variety of potential water contaminants: Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP) Certified Commercial Labs
What are the appropriate contacts at DEC for...
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) is responsible for overseeing many different types of permits:
Permits for recreation and sporting activities, land access, waste transportation, and several other programs are managed by several DEC divisions.
Permits for most major environmental regulatory areas protecting New York's air, water, mineral, and biological resources are subject to the requirements of the Uniform Procedures Act and are managed by DEC's Division of Environmental Permits
Conservation Police
To contact an Environmental Conservation Police Officer or report suspected violations, please visit the DEC Environmental Conservation Police Officers webpage for a contact phone number and online reporting system.
Regulations and Enforcement
For DEC Regulations and Enforcement information, click here to go to the appropriate DEC webpage.
For general information about the Environmental Conservation Police Officers (ECO), click here to go to the appropriate DEC webpage.
For contact information for the New York State ECO Roster for Region 4, click here to go to the appropriate DEC webpage.
Where can I find info on GCSWCD's Bare Roots Sale?
Information about the District's annual Bare Roots Tree & Shrub Sale can be found on our Bare Root Tree & Shrub Sale webpage (link).
Do I have wetlands on my property?
Greene County Web Map is a useful tool and a great place to start when making property decisions.
- Click Parcels> Search by Name, Address, or Parcel I.D.
- Note: Search is sensitive, misspellings or spaces will invalidate search.
- Click layers>Environmental>Wetlands
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory: Wetlands Mapper (link)
- Click Number 3: 'Click here to open the Wetlands Mapper'
- Type address in "Find Location" search bar in top right
- Click "Find Location"
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation: Environmental Resource Mapper (link)
- Click 'Enter Environmental Resource Mapper'
- Search by Address, Zip Code, County, or Town
- Click 'Find'
- Click 'Layers and Legend'
- Check: 'State-Regulated Freshwater Wetlands' (Uncheck all other selections)
Do I need a permit?
Please visit the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) webpage: Do I Need a Permit Page (link)
How do I find my FEMA flood insurance rate map (FIRM) ?
Please view the FEMA Flood Map Service Center website (link) for more information.