The Schoharie Watershed Stream Management Program (SWSMP) at GCSWCD implements stream and watershed assessments throughout the Schoharie Reservoir watershed. These assessments identify stream management needs to improve water quality and stream stability.
Stream Feature Inventories (SFIs)
SFIs integrate remote sensing and field data collection to document stream corridor conditions and identify areas of instability that may impact water quality or infrastructure. These assessments guide stream management strategies by prioritizing key concerns.
The scope of an SFI varies based on its objectives. Some provide a comprehensive inventory of fluvial features, while others focus on specific characteristics related to water quality improvements. SFIs may be conducted periodically to establish baseline conditions, track changes over time, and inform adaptive management strategies.
Findings are used to prioritize stream management activities, and results may be compiled into data reports or educational materials. Comprehensive Stream Management Plans, developed after previous SFIs conducted in the Schoharie Reservoir watershed can be found on the CatskillStreams Stream Management Plan webpage.
Bank Erosion Monitoring Studies (BEMS)
BEMS assess streambank erosion through topographic surveys and standardized protocols developed by hydrologist Dave Rosgen. These studies characterize eroding streambanks and streambed morphology using:
- Longitudinal profile surveys – Capture streambed slope and water surface elevation.
- Cross-section surveys – Measure channel shape, width, and depth.
- Pebble counts & bar samples – Analyze sediment composition.
- Photo monitoring – Document representative locations with GPS for consistency in future assessments.
- Condition assessments – Identify streambank hazards and assign severity ratings.
Data from BEMS support SWSMP’s ongoing watershed planning efforts, helping to prioritize stream restoration projects.
Multi-Objective Stream Crossing Assessment Protocol (MOSCAP)
Developed by the Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program (AWSMP) between 2017 and 2020, MOSCAP evaluates road-stream crossings based on geomorphic compatibility, aquatic organism passage, and structural integrity. The protocol incorporates elements from:
- Vermont ANR Geomorphic Compatibility Assessment – Assesses alignment with natural stream conditions.
- North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC) – Evaluates connectivity for aquatic organisms.
- NYS DOT Culvert Inventory Manual – Assesses structural integrity of crossings.
- Cornell Culverts Model (optional) – Analyzes flood flow capacity using GIS and Python-based modeling.
SWSMP staff were trained in MOSCAP in 2022 and field-tested it in the Manor Kill watershed. SWSMP staff conduct assessments or collaborate with partner agencies to complete MOSCAP assessments in the Schoharie Reservoir watershed. For more information or to request MOSCAP training, visit the AWSMP website.
Additional Stream Assessments
SWSMP staff provide technical assistance to landowners and municipalities for stream-related concerns. Data collection and analysis support stream, floodplain, and riparian corridor management in alignment with the Schoharie Reservoir watershed’s Stream Management Plans.
Stream Assistance Funding Opportunities
Projects identified through SFIs and other assessments may qualify for funding under these programs:
For technical assistance or funding inquiries, contact the GCSWCD Main Office at 518-622-3620.